Facebook Saying Goodbye to 3rd Party Group Live Streaming and Scheduling Apps

Sometimes, things can go haywire even when you're doing everything right. For instance, your Facebook account suddenly gets shut down, or someone sneaks into it (it happens more than you may realize!)

Powered With Online Events

Stop riding the hamster wheel trying to launch your next event alone. Lock arms with me and let me help guide you to launch a successful event without stress or overwhelm.

A Personal Marketing Approach to Seniors and Caregivers

The webinar will be led by Elizabeth Marasco, a seasoned marketer with an incredibly unique background that sets her apart from many others in the field.

Are Facebook Friends Holding You Back?

Software gives you super speed, but you have to slow down to avoid getting Facebook "mad at you/"

Event Marketing Basics Refresh 2022

Are you ready to finally get your marketing on track? In today's vlog I share insight to refresh your marketing skills and get on track for 2022.

Graphic Design Like a Pro

Honesty check!! How are your graphics and artwork for your business? Is it on the backburner? This is one of the most important pieces in marketing.

Planning is Key to Success

Map out your goals for the entire year and then break them down into quarters. Determine what day of the week works best for you to set a block of time.