7 Reasons to Include Print in Your Marketing Strategy

7 Reasons to Include Print in Your Marketing Strategy

Oh, how we love the '90s! A decade that introduced us to ripped jeans, scrunchies, boy bands, grunge music, beanie babies, the Macarena, and a little thing called the internet.

Over the past 20 years, the internet has grown by leaps and bounds, and so has print. Print offers more benefits than ever, and here are just a few reasons why you should be incorporating it into your marketing mix.

  • APPEALS TO THE SENSES. Print media triggers multiple senses, adding effectiveness to print advertising. Brands that appeal to more than three senses will be more successful with their marketing efforts than brands that don't.

  • FOSTERS BETTER ENGAGEMENT. Think about the last time you held a newspaper or magazine in your hands. What else did you do at the same time? Probably not much other than sip tea or coffee. Print allows consumers to slow down and focus on one piece of content.

  • PRINT IS TRUSTWORTHY. Research shows time and time again that consumers put more trust in print media that all other advertising platforms. They are also more apt to make a purchase after seeing a print opposed to one online.

  • PRINT MEDIA TARGETS YOUR AUDIENCE. Placing ads in specialty magazines effectively reach niche audiences that can be more difficult to target online.

  • PRINT READERS HAVE LONGER ATTENTION SPANS. Our brains process information differently depending on the source of information. When our brains absorb information from paper we tend to have a longer attention span compared to when we take in digital messages. When we read print, we encounter fewer distractions and can fully take in the messaging. On average, a person spends 43 minutes reading a magazine.

  • TANGIBLE PLATFORMS ATTRACT LUXURY CONSUMERS. Glossy magazines hold a certain cachet that other platforms simply cannot compete against. Print platforms will always appeal to the luxury consumer.

  • PRINT INCREASES ROI. The strongest marketing campaigns are the ones that integrate with digital solutions. Statistics show that, when done correctly, print can increase ROI by as much as 240%!

If you are not including print marketing into your mix, now is the perfect time to start. Like the first time, you saw the Macarena and had to learn all the moves, your potential customers too will take notice!
