Grow Your Business: How to Differentiate Between a Valuable Trend and a Fad

Grow Your Business: How to Differentiate Between a Valuable Trend and a Fad

Are you still hanging on to the green jelly shoes and trucker hat you wore the day you captured a hundred photos of the flash mob at the local mall with your digital camera just to upload them to MySpace? Don't feel discouraged. We all have our most beloved fad collection stored in a sacred box in hopes one day they'll be cool enough to see the light of day again. (On a side note, we still think flash mobs are super cool!)

From fashion to music to toys, fads come and go. Trends, on the other hand, have a quality that fads don't: staying power! Trends have a unique way of gaining widespread momentum, while fads have quick bursts that appeal to a niche group.

As an entrepreneur or marketer, being able to spot trends when they first emerge provides you the edge to get in on ground level before your competitors. Fads also can be profitable, however, depending on them too heavily can be costly especially if you jump in too late or keep them around too long. Here are a few helpful tips to help you differentiate between a fad and a trend to maintain credibility in your industry!

Trends gain momentum. One of the most telling differences between a fad and a trend is how fast it gains its momentum. A fad catches on very quickly because it has a shallower appeal. All of the above products mention-jelly shoes, trucker hats, digital cameras-are all fads. They caught on quickly, shot like a shooting star, and then burned out just as fast. Trends take thought and progress to become feasible, and often lie sleeping before it catches on. For instance, embracing a healthier lifestyle via better eating habits is a trend. The variety of diets like raw foods and wheat-free diets that go along with it are all fads.

Trends solve problems. A trend relies heavily on problem-solving and will gain momentum when it creates demand to serve a purpose. Social media continues to grow because it serves the purpose of bringing people together who share the same interests. Mobile phones stay in demand because they are an important communication tool.

Trends develop over the years. It takes careful market research, especially with trends since they happen over time, to watch for signs when a trend or fad has hit the market. Fads can play an important role in your marketing strategy as long as it’s relevant to your brand. It's important to realize the role of a fad is to be used as a tactic whereas a trend will become part of your marketing strategy to meet your customer's needs. Data usage and geo info to reach your customers more efficiently are examples of great trends. Remember, fads are spectacular for that hot second, so know when to ditch it so you don't look dated and lose your audience connection.

Explore trends versus fads a bit more #BEAM365 podcast with Liz Marasco for some powerful insight on how fads and trends can impact your business strategy.
